APC Charter

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Charter of the
Association of Professional Coaches (APC).


In force as of 27.11.2022.

Founders, Kirill Prishchenko and Natalia Vikhareva

Association Members of the Board, Kirill Prishchenko and Argo Toater



  1. APC General Provisions
  2. APC Mission and its Implementation
  3. APC Objectives
  4. APC Structure
  5. Who can become a member of APC, the Association of Professional Coaches
  6. APC Professional Membership Levels and Programs Accreditation Standards
  7. Certification Cost
  8. Use of Symbolics
  9. Training Programs
  10. Programs Accreditation in APC
  11. Membership fees in APC
  12. Distribution of Funds in APC
  13. Definition of APC Coaching APC
  14. APC Ethic Standards Based on ICF ICF
  15. Core Coach Skills Based on 11 Coaching Skills Formulated by Thomas Leonard

1. APC General Provisions.

International non-profit, independent, non-political community Association of Professional Coaches, hereinafter APC, is a public association of coaches, trainers and training centers in the field of coaching in a general sense. The main activities of the Association are indicated in purposes and objectives of the Association (see clauses 3 and 3.1.) and shall be carried out within the framework of the laws in the countries where the activities are implemented.

In a broad sense APC considers coaching as professions and professionals aimed at people personal development, psychologically and in business areas, in accordance with Timothy Gallwey and Thomas Leonard principles of coaching. These are specialists in NLP, Ericksonian Hypnosis, Enneagram, Business Coaches and Professional Coaches.

2. APC Mission, corporate culture and its implementation.


APC – to be a Beacon of Awareness and Transformation Guide for all the people who want it, via a variety of coaching tools.


APC is a social system promoting personal development of an individual and organization. It consists of a number of training Institutes, Centers in different cities and countries. It includes Master Trainers, Trainers, Coaches, NLP and Enneagram specialists promoting awareness elevation on a global level. Our Association is opened and welcomes all new members.


In order to maintain our Mission and Identity, we share among ourselves (members of the Association) and welcome the following values in interaction with the World (external environment-clients): respect; amiability / friendliness; support instead of frustration; environmental friendliness; high quality; naturalness and simplicity in approaches to training and provision of Coaching services in a general sense.


We believe that each person can increase his/her awareness level with the help of Coaching in its broad sense. We believe that each person already has everything to overcome difficulties and achieve his/her goals, but this potential should be found and fulfilled. We believe that personal growth is endless and there is always room to grow. We believe that each person deserves more and better life for himself/herself and the loved ones.


In order to maintain a high level of education and services to the society (that contributes to our Mission implementation), we have developed a system of objectives, standards, criteria and ethical norms, indicated in the APC charter. See sections Objectives, Purposes and APC Structure (clauses No. 3, No. 4 of the Charter).


The first necessary thing we do and expect from all the APC members to implement the APC Mission is following APC’s standards, rules and ethics. The second thing we do to implement our Mission is providing of quality training in the field of Coaching according to the APC Accredited programs. The third necessary thing is APC continuous expansion in different countries and cities. To do this, we invite to our folds all kinds of specialists (psychologists, trainers, NLP and coaching specialists) sharing our values and convictions to provide training and coaching services.


We exist for all those people and organizations who want to improve their lives and lives of others by training and awareness.

What We Don’t Accept at APC:

We do not accept disrespectful treatment of our customers, whoever they may be. We do not accept disrespectful and defamatory attitude towards the members of association from the members of association. We do not accept any violation of the APC Charter.

3. APC Objectives.

  1. Extension of coaching as a method of goals directed professional support.
  2. Maintaining high quality of coaching training programs and coaching organizations and individuals via training, accreditation of coaching training programs, certification of professional coaches and coaching trainers.
  3. High level coaching training.
  4. Provision of a single platform for high-quality training of professional coaches and coaching trainers, based on traditional, classical understanding of coaching, founded by Timothy Gallwey concepts and work criteria of professional coach Thomas Leonard.
  5. Promotion of training centers, trainers, professional coaches, and APC honorary members.

3.1 APC Purposes.

  1. Creation and expansion of links between coaching trainers, coaches and their potential clients.
  2. Organization of continuous professional development and qualification of coaching trainers and coaches.
  3. Organization of information exchange between coaching trainers and coaches, assistance in their business and friendly relations development.
  4. Coaching trainer and coach professions prestige elevation.
  5. Organization and holding of mass events related to the objectives and purposes of the Association: conferences, lectures, master classes, workshops, clubs.
  6. Organization and implementation of joint professional projects for the Association members to achieve its objectives.
  7. Organization and implementation of socially significant projects.
  8. Release of promotional and image products with APC symbolics.

4. APC Structure.

  1. APC Institute (in Tallinn, Meta Leader training center) is a research, training APC based organization (training center). Its purpose is to train Coaching, NLP and other APC accredited programs, to develop, update, change the criteria, competencies and technologies of coaching in general sense, contributing to professional and personal education of coaching trainers, coaches and clients of coaching services.
  2. APC Meeting is the highest structure for making the most important decisions regarding the Association activities and charter.
  3. Members of the Association Board and Members of the Association with a membership level not lower than APC Master Trainer have the right to vote (influence on final decisions) in the APC Meeting. Other members of the APC Association: Trainer, Master, Practitioner and Association Honorary Members have the right to participate in the meeting, without the right to vote, but their opinions will be taken into account when making decisions on the Association activities.
  4. The APC Meeting and its resolutions are considered valid if it included at least one APC Master Trainer or at least one APC Board Member.
  5. Only the Association founders and APC Master Trainers can be the Association Board Members.
  6. Decisions of the APC Meeting are made by majority vote.
  7. Amendments to the charter can be made at APC Meeting, with participation of at least one Master Trainer (MT) or one APC Board member, by negotiating and voting.
  8. The Association Board Members may include only the Association founders and APC Master Trainers. The APC Board makes the decision on acceptance of the new Board Members.
  9. Decisions on exclusion from the Association Members are possible to be made in case of irreparable material and image damage to the Association and its members. These decisions are made in case of violation of the laws by its members in the country where the Association conducts its activities, non-compliance with the Association ethical standards. The decisions are made by the APC Board members.
  10. Each Master Trainer or APC Trainer is the head and supervisor of third-party training Centers – Agents organizing and conducting accredited APC programs.
  11. Third-Party Training Center Head is an Agent legal entity that has entered into an agreement with APC to represent APC via its own training center or Meta Leader – NLP & Coaching Center training center, to organize and conduct accredited APC programs, and to use the APC symbolics on training materials, website, business cards and other training aids.
  12. Trainers conduct approved (accredited) programs at the Centers supervised by Master Trainers or APC Trainers.
  13. The Centers conducting accredited APC programs are structural subdivisions of APC.
  14. All APC members keep to their own line, provided that the APC charter and decisions are not violated.

5. Who can become a member of APC.

5.1. Who can be awarded the title of the Association Honorary Member: Individuals and organizations that have provided significant assistance in development of public organization or in case they have special merits to public organization, sharing the statutory objectives of public organization approved by the Association Board. The assignment of the Association Honorary Member title can be approved by the Association general meeting with participation of at least two APC Trainers.

The Association Honorary Members can be individuals over the age of 18, and legal entities (public associations) professionally involved in coaching and/or coaching trainings (business coaches, personnel managers, managers of all levels providing coaching support to their employees, heads of departments and management consultants training their employees, psychologists working in companies, psychologists providing professional support to managers or enterprises, mediators, etc.).

5.2. Individuals over the age of 21 and legal entities can become the Association Professional Member. Practicing coaches and/or coaching trainers ready to follow the 11 coaching competencies founded by Thomas Leonard and follow the APC Code of Ethics based on the International Coaching Federation (ICF). The first requirement necessary for membership is the completion of a full coaching training course (also other APC programs) or at training centers that train according to accredited APC coaching training programs – minimum 100 in-class hours. Those who have completed other coach training programs and want to become an APC member should choose the level of membership and in a free form provide all the necessary documents confirming coaching competencies: provide a copy of certificate, give name of the educational institution where the program was completed, the actual title of the coach who trained you (minimum 100 in-class hours), send contents of the coaches training program, pass written test and face-to-face supervision. The award of the Association Professional Member title can be approved by the Association general meeting with the participation of at least two APC Coaches.

Trainers and coaches trained in other training centers, associations and organizations are certified by MT or APC Trainer. All it takes is to prepare the necessary documents in advance and agree the time of certification with two Trainers or one APC MT.

6. APC Professional Membership Levels and Programs Accreditation Standards.

The Association of Professional Coaches has five levels of membership. Four professional (from 1 to 4) and one non-professional (5 – APC Honorary Member):

  1. APC Master Trainer;
  2. APC Trainer;
  3. APC Master;
  4. APC Practitioner;
  5. APC Honorary Member.

6.1. Professional membership level № 1 – Master Trainer. Hereinafter: MT.

General conditions for the title awarding:

APC Master Trainers are initiated with the consent of one APC Master Trainer. The condition for initiation to the Master Trainers is an outstanding merit for APC. Master Trainer is the face of the Association. Master Trainer is authorized to certify trainers, accredit training programs and training centers. A prerequisite for a Master Trainer is at least 5 years of training and coaching services experience since becoming an APC Trainer. Contribution to formation and development of Coaching/NLP as a type of professional support. Master Trainer also should be able to give any topic from his training program without notes – prompts. Shall be able to give high-quality feedback to the participants of training, be creative in conduct of training and be as flexible and respectful as possible in relation to the participants of the training. Master Trainer must have his own training program.

Certification Criteria:

  1. 460 hours of training programs and personal supervision on the topic of the conducted training programs (360 hours of coaching and/or NLP programs, 100 hours of trainers training).
  2. Completion of a 10-day APC Trainer training internship under the authority of an APC Master Trainer.
  3. Writing a book on the topic of your programs, which will be a special contribution to NLP or Coaching development.
  4. 5 years of coaching experience from becoming an APC Trainer.
  5. Completing at least 800 hours of training programs since becoming an APC Trainer.
  6. 200 or more students/graduates of own training programs.
  7. Sending video record of your 2-day training (minimum 8 hours of recording).

6.2. Professional membership level № 2 – Trainer:

Master Certified Coach. Hereinafter: MCC.

General conditions for the title awarding:

APC Master Certified Coach (coaching programs trainer) shall meet the APC Trainers Professional Training Criteria, gain certification of APC Master Certified Coach, complete an intensive trainers training course (minimum 100 hours), and be certified as an APC Trainer.

APC Professional Master Certified Coaches are certified by APC Master Trainer. To be certified as a Master Certified Coach one should meet professional criteria of APC Professional Certified Coach, have references from at least 15 clients in the amount of 50 paid sessions, within a period of at least one and a half years (18 months) from the start of training for the Professional Coach level at APC Training Center.

Certification Criteria:

  1. Pass trainers training.
  2. Have a total of 380 hours of training programs and personal supervision in coaching (280 hours of coaching programs and 100 hours of Trainers Training).
  3. Write a Coaching Trainers Training Test.
  4. Pass a behavioral certification – conduct a demonstration training (60 minutes).
  5. Conduct transformational session with a client for at least 45 minutes under the supervision of a Master Trainer.
  6. Have 50 sessions of written recommendations from the paid (minimum 15) clients prior to starting training in APC Trainers Training program.

6.3. Professional membership level № 2 – Trainer:

Trainer of NLP. Hereinafter: TNLP.

General conditions for the title awarding:

Trainer of NLP should fully or averagely possess the following qualities:

  • Personal congruence of the trainer.
  • Ecology in work of the trainer and the group.
  • Development of content competence in relation to the training subject.
  • Own style of training.
  • Ability to work in various training styles.
  • Ability to simulate different training styles and fit into.
  • Group management at different logical levels.
  • Ability to manage three phases of a group according to John Whitmore.
  • Effective use of psychogeography.
  • Knowledge of training patterns – possession of 4 MAT model.
  • The art of building training metaphors.
  • Setting of training objectives and development of appropriate training design.
  • Development of flexibility in management of various comprehensive and technological blocks of training program.
  • Ability to develop own training programs and original exercises.
  • Ability to create supportive training environment.
  • Ability to make presentation and handout materials.
  • Ability to give multi-level feedback in the process of training.
  • Possession of various forms of training activity.
  • Development of group motivation skills and overcoming “difficult cases” in the course of training.
  • Analysis of standard certification programs key topics training specifics.
  • Development of mental maps reinforcing important content.
  • Skills for NLP Practitioner and NLP Master level certification.

Certification Criteria:

  1. Pass trainers training.
  2. Have a total of 400 hours of training programs and personal supervision on the topic of the conducted training programs (300 hours of NLP programs: NLP Practitioner, NLP Master and 100 hours of APC Trainers Training).
  3. Write a Trainers of NLP Training Test.
  4. Pass a behavioral certification – conduct a demonstration training (60 minutes).
  5. Have 50 sessions of written recommendations from the paid (minimum 15) clients prior to starting training in APC Trainers Training program.
  6. Complete a 25-hours trainer work internship under the authority of an APC Master Trainer.

6.4. Professional membership level № 2 – Trainer:

APC Business Trainer;

APC Trainer of Specialized Programs. Hereinafter: TB and TSP.

General conditions for the title awarding:

APC Business Trainer; APC Trainer of Specialized Programs shall meet the APC Trainers Professional Training Criteria, gain certification of APC Trainers training, complete an intensive trainers training course (minimum 100 hours), and be certified as an APC Trainer.

Certification Criteria:

  1. Pass APC trainers training – 100 hours.
  2. Have 50 hours (documented) of business training and other specialized programs completing (personal growth, business courses) or have own business.
  3. Do an APC Trainer of Specialized Programs/Business Trainer test.
  4. Pass a behavioral certification – conduct a demonstration training (60 minutes).

6.5. Professional membership level № 2 — Trainer:

Enneagram Trainer. Hereinafter: TE.

General conditions for the title awarding:

Enneagram Trainer should fully or averagely possess the following qualities:

  • Personal congruence of the trainer.
  • Ecology in work of the trainer and the group.
  • Development of content competence in relation to the training subject.
  • Own style of training.
  • Ability to work in various training styles.
  • Ability to simulate different training styles and fit into.
  • Group management at different logical levels.
  • Ability to manage three phases of a group according to John Whitmore.
  • Effective use of psychogeography.
  • Knowledge of training patterns – possession of 4 MAT model.
  • The art of building training metaphors.
  • Setting of training objectives and development of appropriate training design.
  • Development of flexibility in management of various comprehensive and technological blocks of training program.
  • Ability to develop own training programs and original exercises.
  • Ability to create supportive training environment.
  • Ability to make presentation and handout materials.
  • Ability to give multi-level feedback in the process of training.
  • Possession of various forms of training activity.
  • Development of group motivation skills and overcoming “difficult cases” in the course of training.
  • Analysis of standard certification programs key topics training specifics.
  • Development of mental maps reinforcing important content.
  • Skills for Enneagram Practitioner and Enneagram Master level certification.

Certification Criteria:

  1. Pass APC trainers training – minimum 100 hours.
  2. Have a total of 200 hours of Enneagram training programs conducting.
  3. Interview to determine the Enneatype.
  4. Do an Enneagram Trainer training test.
  5. Pass a behavioral certification – conduct a demonstration training (60 minutes).

6.6. Professional membership level № 3 — Master:

Professional Certified Coach. Hereinafter: PCC.

General conditions for the title awarding:

APC Professional Certified Coach is a specialist who has completed a coaching training program at one of the APC training centers. The training program should include at least 16 full training days, with classroom and out-of-class coaching sessions in relation to the student, internal coaching supervision, coaching practice sessions to trainees who demonstrated during the certification process the APC Professional Certified Coach criteria, in accordance with the standards of Professional Coach Thomas Leonard, as well as the standards for practical application of team and transformational coaching, working within the classic coaching approach developed by coaching founder Timothy Gallwey.

Certification Criteria:

  1. Complete professional coaches training program – participation in 8 modules of the program.
  2. Provide 45 out-of-class individual coaching sessions in groups of 3 people (each attends/conducts 15 documented hours/sessions as coach, client and supervisor).
  3. Conduct 5 out-of-class sessions of mini-coaching training or moderation of team coaching sessions in groups of 6 people (documented).
  4. Develop and present design of a 2-day training on Cube model to the certification module (detailed plan of your training).
  5. Complete 4 hours/sessions of personal coaching as a client with a Professional Certified Coach PCC.
  6. Provide a video record or demonstration of individual coaching with a client (not a group member), minimum 30 minutes.
  7. Do a coaching theory test with at least 80 points out of 100 possible.
  8. Pass a behavioral certification of individual classic coaching on the 8th module – demonstration of working with a client.
  9. Pass a group behavioral certification – demonstration of group management (facilitation/moderation, group dynamics management according to John Whitmore).

6.7. Professional membership level № 3 — Master:

Master of NLP. Hereinafter: MANLP.

General conditions for the title awarding:

Master of NLP should have NLP Practitioner certificate and skills, complete training program for Master of NLP level of at least 144 hours, write an examination project on modeling and defend it in the form of practical work with a client in the last module of training program.

Possession of Mastery elements.

  • Optimal engagement.
  • Conscious and unconscious integration.
  • Balance between structure and spontaneity.
  • Changing personal boundaries of perception.
  • Personal congruence.
  • Direction of attention.
  • Multiple description.

Metaprograms understanding.

  • Information organization style.
  • Classification of the world.
  • Comparison focus.
  • Motivation.
  • Reference.
  • Time.

Skills in metaprograms using.

  • Flexibility in the use of metaprograms.
  • Adaptation and conduct according to metaprograms.
  • Study of a person’s metaprogram profile.
  • Approaches to metaprograms changing and development.

Understanding of systems approaches in NLP.

  • Knowledge of self-organizing systems theory Landscape of NL0-P: approach to multidimensional description of experience.
  • Development of three-position description model.

Skills in multiple description and systemic changes.

  • Possession of approaches to create “own NLP techniques”.
  • Changing of perception and behavior “depth filters” via multiple description.
  • Ability to identify and change the targets system.

Understanding of values and beliefs structure.

  • Knowledge of the main ways to identify and change the values and criteria hierarchy.
  • Understanding of faiths, beliefs, values system.
  • Knowledge of beliefs changing verbal patterns classification.
  • Knowledge of beliefs changing techniques formation basic principles.
  • Identification of a person’s persuaders.

Values and beliefs skills.

  • Values and criteria hierarchy identification.
  • Possession of criteria hierarchy changing methods.
  • Identification of beliefs formed around values.
  • Identification of limiting beliefs and ability to change them.
  • Identification of supportive positive beliefs.
  • Ability to identify new beliefs.
  • Possession of techniques for working with beliefs.
  • Изменение ограничивающих убеждений с помощью визуальных субмодальностей.
  • “Inoculation of a new belief”.
  • “New belief setting on the timeline”.

Understanding of behavioral and mental strategies structure.

  • Knowledge of T.O.T.E. model usage difference for identification of macro and micro strategies.
  • Knowledge of NLP strategy notation language.
  • Knowledge of well-formulated strategy conditions.
  • Understanding of basic micro strategies: memory, reality, motivation, training/creativity, decision making.
  • Ability to identify macro strategies and plan strategy changes.
  • Possession of basic skills in working with strategies: identifying and recording, bringing the client to awareness of his own strategy, using and embedding of the learned strategy.

Understanding modeling patterns.

  • Knowledge of basic modeling principles.
  • Understanding of “subtraction model”.
  • Knowledge of basic modeling strategy: explicit and implicit, micro and macro modeling, self-modeling.

Modeling skills.

  • Recognition of the main model patterns.
  • Implicit modeling, association with the model, metaphorical description of integral model structures.
  • Explicit modeling, identification of the model macro and micro strategies, clear recording of strategies, registration of the overall design.
  • Creation of general meta-strategy for transfer of the basic model patterns (making instructions for the trainee).
  • Execution and defense of Modeling Project.
  • Possession of Master’s meta-framework for data collection and interventions planning.

Certification Criteria:

  1. NLP Practitioner Certificate.
  2. NLP Practitioner skills in the field of conscious and unconscious competence.
  3. NLP Master program passing for at least 100 hours.
  4. Presentation of modeling project and its defense on the course certification module.

6.8. Professional membership level № 3 — Master:

Enneagram Master. Hereinafter: MAE.

General conditions for the title awarding:

  1. Active participation in the training program and exercises.
  2. Clear understanding of own Enneatype.
  3. Understanding of instincts for all 9 Enneatypes.
  4. Understanding of definitions and characteristics for all 9 Enneatypes development levels.


Certification Criteria:


  1. Completion of the Enneagram Master course for at least 32 hours.


  1. Completion of the Enneagram Master course for at least 32 hours.
  2. NLP Master or Professional Coach certificate.
  3. Doing Enneagram Test – Master Level.

6.9. Professional membership level № 4 — Practitioner:

Associated Certified Coach. Hereinafter: ACC.

General conditions for the title awarding:

APC Associated Certified Coach is an expert in coaching who cannot be qualified as APC Professional Coach due to some criteria, but who has demonstrated during certification process the criteria that meet the Thomas Leonard Professional Coach standards, as well as standards for practical application of team and transformational coaching, working within standard coaching approach developed by coaching founder Timothy Gallwey.

Certification Criteria:

  1. Complete professional coaches training program – participation in 8 modules of the program.
  2. 30 individual coaching sessions in groups of 3 people (each attends/conducts 10 documented hours/sessions).
  3. Conduct 5 sessions of mini-coaching training or moderation of team coaching sessions in groups of 6 people (documented).
  4. Complete 2 hours/sessions of personal coaching as a client with a Professional Certified Coach.
  5. Do a coaching theory test with at least 50 points out of 100 possible.
  6. Pass a behavioral certification – demonstration of work with a client.

P.S. Some of the above ACC level certification requirements may be partially met. Exactly what kind of requirements remain at the discretion of the trainer. During certification the trainer pays attention to general preparation of the applicant for the ACC level.

6.10. Professional membership level № 4 — Practitioner:

NLP Practitioner. Hereinafter: PNLP.

General conditions for the title awarding:

NLP Practitioner title is awarded to NLP Practitioner program participant for at least 157 hours. It is also necessary to pass written and behavioral certification in the last module of the course program and fulfill additional certification requirements.

Possession of the following skills.

  • Calibration
  • Adaptation and conduct at different levels (verbal and non-verbal) — by sensory predicates, by Eye Access Keys, by Logic Levels, by time predicates, by perceptual positions
  • Polysensory representation of information
  • Calling and keeping own resourceful states
  • Association and dissociation
  • Enlargement, disaggregation, and relocation by analogy
  • Anchoring
  • Positional transitions
  • Verbal reframing
  • States division
  • Reversing and technological analysis of work
  • Identification of secondary benefits
  • Determination of trance signs, exciting and keeping altered states of mind
  • Selection of techniques for the declared symptom

Proficiency in the following formats and methods of work.

  • Collection of information and formulation of targets
  • Description of states using external indicators
  • Format of VAKD modalities
  • Format of sub modalities
  • Environmental verification
  • Verification of the work effectiveness
  • High quality feedback
  • ВIdentification and use of subjective time perception of (timelines)

Knowledge and mastering of the following models in various contexts.

  • Т.О.Т.Е.
  • C.O.R.E.
  • Representational systems model: VAKD
  • Submodalities model
  • Meta model
  • Milton model
  • Logic levels
  • 3 position description
  • Timeline

Proficiency in the following techniques and knowing the objective of each step in them.

  • “Circle of excellence”
  • “Walt Disney creativity strategy”
  • “Solving a communicative situation using a 3-position description”
  • “Integration of logic levels”
  • “Collapse of anchors”, “Anchoring of resources”
  • “Changing of personal story on the timeline”
  • “Integration of conflicting parts”
  • “Sweep pattern”
  • “Fast treatment for phobias”
  • “Visual-Kinesthetic Dissociation “
  • “6 steps reframing”
  • “Treatment of emotional pinpoint allergies”

Certification Criteria:

NLP Practitioner level certification consists of six parts.

  1. Completion of NLP Practitioner course for at least 100 hours.
  2. Individual out-of-class work with clients recorded in the report on work with clients, totally 15 hours.
  3. Complete 2 sessions as a client with NLP Master or NLP Trainer.
  4. Do the subject theory knowledge test.
  5. Behavioral certification – demonstration of NLP Practitioner skills in session with a client.

6.11. Professional membership level № 4 — Practitioner:

Enneagram Practitioner. Hereinafter: PE.

General conditions for the title awarding:

  1. Active participation in the training program and exercises.
  2. Clear understanding of own Enneatype.
  3. Understanding of all 9 Enneatypes description, motivations, fixations.
  4. Understanding of Enneagram definitions and characteristics: three centers, wings, transitions of states for all 9 Enneatypes.


Certification Criteria:


  1. Completion of the Enneagram Practitioner course for at least 32 hours.


  1. Completion of the Enneagram Practitioner course for at least 32 hours.
  2. NLP Practitioner or Associated Coach certificate.
  3. Doing Enneagram Test – Practitioner Level.


6.12. Non-professional membership level № 5 — Association Honorary Member.

General conditions for the title awarding:

Special merits and contribution to the Association of Professional Coaches development.

A person who has completed any course of the Association of Professional Coaches programs: NLP, Ericksonian hypnosis, Coaching, Enneagram, but has not passed the certification.


  1. The cost of the Association of Professional Coaches certification depending on the level of membership:
  • Membership level № 1 – Master Trainer: Cost 500 Euro.
  • Membership level № 2 – Trainer: Cost 350 Euro.
  • Membership level № 3 — Master: Cost 250 Euro.
  • Membership level № 4 — Practitioner: Cost 175 Euro.

8. Use of APC Symbolics.

A Center – Institute (Agent) under APC, or an individual who is an APC Professional Member, who has been certified by APC and/or has accredited his professional coaches training program or other training program in APC, who has paid membership fees (the Association Membership and fee for the use of APC Accredited Programs (see Charter articles No. 11.1. and 11.2.), has the right to use the APC logo on his website, on the issued certificates, on his business cards, on the Internet page representing his organization, on social networks, on handouts, as long as he keeps to all the above rules for the use of APC symbolics and other APC rules given in this charter.

9. APC Training Programs.

  1. The Association of Professional Coaches has and welcomes open basic training programs for specialists in the field of Coaching:

a. Associated Coach APC

b. Practitioner NLP APC

c. Enneagram practitioner APC

d. Master NLP APC

e. Enneagram master APC

f. Professional Coach APC

g. Master Certified Coach APC

h. Business Trainer APC

i. Trainer of specialized programs APC

j. Trainer of NLP APC

k. k. Coaching Hight Level Programs. 1) Transformational coaching. 2) Team coaching. 3) Coaching in organization. 4) Metaphorical coaching. 5) Ericksonian hypnosis.

2. Corporate programs – focused corporate programs organized for legal entities and made individually for the client.

3. Open programs – training programs organized for individuals.

4. All open and corporate programs with APC symbolics organized by APC Centers or Trainers shall be coordinated by a Master Trainer or two APC Trainers. Programs are approved and accredited by a Master Trainer or two APC Trainers.

5. Programs shall be in full compliance with the current laws, shall not damage APC reputation or contradict cultural norms of the country where they are held.

10. Programs Accreditation in APC.

Training Organization, Center, Trainer – an Agent can accredit its training program in APC. Thus, confirming high standard of training and providing coaching services to its clients. Training programs are accredited by APC Master Trainer or two APC Trainers. The desirable criteria for training programs see in APC Charter article 6 — APC Professional Membership Levels and Program Accreditation Standards.

Prior to the program accreditation process:

  1. Read the certification requirements to APC programs in Charter article 6- APC Professional Membership Levels and Program Accreditation Standards.
  1. 2. Update your program according to APC standards.

In order to accredit your program in APC, you shall:

  1. Contact us.
  2. Have a title not lower than Master level – APC membership level No. 3
  3. Send your coaching training program.
  4. 4. Pay accreditation fee of 750 Euro.
  5. 5. If necessary, update your training program in accordance with APC programs accreditation criteria and feedback from APC specialists.

The program accreditation procedure takes from 30 to 45 calendar days of joint work.

11. Membership fees in APC.

11.1. Membership fees:

  1. 1. Membership level № 1 – Master Trainer: 200 Euro
  2. 2. Membership level № 2 – Trainer: 150 Euro
  3. 3. Membership level № 3 – Master: 75 Euro
  4. 4. Membership level № 4 – Practitioner: 50 Euro
  5. 5. Membership level № 5 – Association Honorary Member – free

All membership fees are paid once a year to the Association account.

Company name:



Registration number: 80404839

Settlement account: EE661010220254999229




11.2. Terms and Conditions for APC Accredited Programs Usage:

APC accredited training programs used by Centers, Trainers – Agents may not be transferred to third parties, rewritten or used without written notice to APC’s email address: info@apcoach.org. Otherwise, APC reserves the right to exclude the Center, Trainer – Agent, person or organization from the APC Association members as the one that does not keep to this rule.


12. Distribution of Association Funds.

Funds received on the settlement account of the association are distributed for the needs of the association:

  1. Administration and promotion of the Association website.
  2. Organization of events related to the Association objectives.
  3. Rental of premises for the Association needs.
  4. Promotion of the Association members.
  5. Release of promotional and image products with APC symbolics.
  6. Employees remuneration for the work required by the Association.


13. Definition of APC Coaching.

Coaching – is a type of psychological support aimed at increasing of awareness and unlocking of the client’s potential, on his own path to achieve the goal.


14. APC Ethic Standards Based on ICF.

  1. 1. Coach Code:
  1. I undertake to conduct myself in the best traditions of coach profession, and also undertake to avoid any possible actions and statements that may negatively affect the attitude of society towards coach profession.
  2. I will not make knowingly false or misleading statements, or make false written statements regarding coach profession.
  3. I will respect different approaches to coaching. I will respect the efforts and contributions of others and will not pass off their results as my own ones.
  4. I will be extremely careful when it comes to my influence, and I will act in accordance with coaching philosophy and understand how my influence can negatively affect the lives of people.
  5. I will do my best to identify my personal problems that may somehow affect, conflict with my duties as a professional coach. As soon as such a situation arises, I undertake to ask for help of a professional and take all measures, up to and including the suspension of my professional practice.
  6. As a trainer and supervisor of coaches, and the ones in training to coach, I undertake to conduct myself in accordance with this code during all training sessions, as well as during supervision.
  7. I will carefully collect, keep, store and utilize all records relating to my coaching activities in a manner that respects the confidentiality and compliance with applicable laws of the country of my coaching.
  8. I will use contact details of the association member only in cases that are prescribed by the association.

2. Relationship with the client:

  1. I undertake to set clear, acceptable, culturally sensitive boundaries in my relationship with the client that may arise in the course of coaching interaction.
  2. I undertake to avoid any kind of sexual relations with my clients.
  3. I undertake to announce all agreements with the client and follow all the agreements in the process of coaching services providing.
  4. I undertake to make sure, before the beginning of cooperation or during the trial session, that my client understands what coaching is, and is also aware of the confidentiality, financial conditions and other terms of the agreement.
  5. I will not intentionally mislead the client about what he will get as a result of coaching or from working specifically with me as a coach.
  6. I will not give my clients, present or future, information or advice that could be misinterpreted.
  7. I will not use any aspect of my relationship with a client for my personal, professional, or other purposes, or for any advantage or benefit.
  8. I will respect the client’s right to stop coaching session at any time. I will look for the signs indicating that the client is no longer benefiting from working with me.
  9. If I am sure that another coach or other specialist will help the client more, I will support him in his new choice.
  10. I will suggest my client to address another subject matter expert if that would be more helpful and necessary at this time.
  11. I will make all efforts to notify the authorities if a client expresses intent to harm other people.

3. Confidentiality, right to privacy of the client:

  1. I will respect my client’s right to privacy in relation to information that I will receive in the course of interaction with the client, except for the cases expressly provided by law.
  2. I will obtain consent of my clients before disclosing their names as the clients or referees or any other information about the clients.
  3. I will obtain permission from my client to disclose information about him in case of receiving a commercial offer from a third party.

Conflict of interests:

  1. I will endeavor to avoid conflicts between my interests and those of my clients.
  2. In case the conflict is revealed, or is brewing, I will make every effort to discuss with the client the ways to resolve the conflict, primarily in the interests of the client.
  3. I will notify my client of all benefits from third parties, if the benefit is received as a result of the client’s recommendations.I will notify my client of all benefits from third parties, if the benefit is received as a result of the client’s recommendations.
  4. I will accept things and other non-monetary assets in barter payment for my services, if this does not affect relationship with the client.

5. Coach’s Oath:

As a professional coach, I declare and solemnly swear to fulfill my obligations towards the clients and colleagues, and society as a whole. I swear to follow the Association Ethics Code, and to treat people with dignity as independent and equal, and to follow these standards with those I coach.

6. Association member behavior based on APC ethical standards:

  1. The Association member strives to contribute to implementation of the Association objectives with his positive behavior, appearance, words and image.
  2. The Association member undertakes not to bring any damage – image or material – to the Association by his behavior.
  3. The Association member tries not to misinform potential Association members by exaggeration, or understatement, or in any other way, regarding the activities, objectives, Mission and merits of the Association.
  4. The Association members may not make either image or material, or any other harm to other members of the Association.
  5. The Association member is its frontman and representative.


15. Core Coach Skills Based on 11 Coaching Skills Formulated by Thomas Leonard.

Skill No 1.

Compliance with ethic and professional standards – Understanding of coaching ethic norms and standards, as well as the ability to adequately apply them in all situations arising during coaching a client.

  1. Understands and strictly adheres to the Association of Professional Coaches (APC) Ethic Standards;
  2. Clearly distinguishes between coaching, consulting, psychotherapy and other methods of professional assistance to the clients;
  3. Recommends to take advice of an appropriate specialist when necessary, is able to determine the necessary time and available resources.

Skill No 2.

Signing of a Coaching Agreement – Ability to understand what is required in each specific interaction with the client during coaching, and make an agreement with prospective and new client on the coaching process and your relationship.

  1. Understands and effectively discusses the rules and specifics of relationship in coaching (e.g., logistics, training fees, scheduling, involvement of third parties where feasible and appropriate) with the client;
  2. Reaches agreement on what is acceptable in this relationship and what is not, what is offered and what is not offered, on the coach and client responsibility areas;
  3. Determines whether his/her coaching methods correspond the needs of prospective client and will ensure effective coaching.

Skill No 3.

Establishing of trusting relationship with the client – ability to create safe and supportive environment that ensures ongoing mutual respect and trust.

  1. Shows genuine concern for the client’s well-being and future;
  2. Constantly demonstrates his own integrity, honesty and sincerity;
  3. Makes clear agreements and keeps promises;
  4. Demonstrates respect for the client’s perception, learning style, and the client’s personality;
  5. Provides constant support and encourages new behavior patterns and activities, including those related to risk taking and fear of failure;
  6. Asks for the client’s permission to coach in new, uncustomary, “sensitive” for the client areas.

Skill No 4.

Coaching Presence — Ability to be fully conscious and create relaxed relationship with the client by demonstrating an open, flexible and confident demeanor.

  1. Consciously interacts and remains flexible in coaching process, “dancing” in the here and now;
  2. Is in touch with own intuition and trusts the other’s inner knowledge – “listens to the inner self”;
  3. Is open to ignorance and takes risks;
  4. Sees many ways to work with a client and each time chooses the most effective one;
  5. Effectively uses humor to create a feeling of lightness and energy;
  6. Confidently changes perspectives and experiments with new possibilities in own actions;
  7. Demonstrates confidence in dealing with strong emotions, is able to manage himself without allowing the client’s emotions to dominate and confuse.

Skill No 5.

Active listening — Ability to fully concentrate on what the client says and what keeps silent, to understand the meaning of the said in the context of the client’s desires and to support the process of feelings and thoughts expressing by the client.

  1. Focuses on the client and his plans, not his own plans for the client;
  2. Hears the client’s cares and doubts, his targets, values and beliefs on what is possible and what’s not;
  3. Distinguishes between the words, intonation, and body language;
  4. Summarizes, paraphrases, repeats and mirrors the said by the client to ensure clarity and correctness of understanding;
  5. Supports and inspires, accepts, studies and enhances expression of the client’s feelings, perceptions, concerns, beliefs, assumptions, etc.;
  6. Integrates and frames the process based on the ideas and suggestions of the client;
  7. Summarizes or sees the point of the client’s words and helps him to achieve his goal, instead of being carried away by long descriptions;
  8. Allows the client to “blow off the steam” or “clarify” the situation without making judgments, without taking sides, to move on to the next steps.

Skill No 6.

Raising “strong” questions — Ability to ask such a questions that reveal the information needed to get the most out of the client’s interaction with the coach and promote the coaching relationship.

  1. Asks questions reflecting active listening and understanding of the client’s point of view;
  2. Asks questions provoking discoveries, insight, purposefulness and activity (e.g. those that challenge the client’s assumptions);
  3. Asks free-answer questions that generate more clarity, new possibilities, or knowledge;
  4. Asks questions pushing the client toward the desired, and not requiring the client to find evidence or look back.

Skill No 7.

Direct communication — Ability to communicate effectively during coaching sessions and to use the language having the most positive impact on the client.

  1. Explains himself clearly, concisely and directly when sharing something and giving feedback;
  2. Clearly articulates and reformulates, reframes to help the client understand, sort out what he wants or what he is not sure about, looking from a different perspective;
  3. Clearly sets out the coaching objectives, the session program, the purpose of applied techniques, methods or exercises;
  4. Uses appropriate and respectful language towards the client (e.g., avoids language discrimination based on gender, race, does not use specific technical terms, jargon);
  5. Uses metaphors and analogies to help illustrate an important point or create a verbal picture.

Skill No 8.

Awareness Stimulation — Ability to integrate and accurately evaluate multiple sources of information and interpret it in a way that helps the client understand what is going on and thereby achieve the agreed results.

  1. Considering and evaluating the client’s questions and actions, goes beyond the scope of the said, does not allow himself to be “hooked” by description given by the client;
  2. Asks questions for deeper understanding, awareness and clarity;
  3. Identifies and reveals to the client his underlying topics and concerns, typical and persistent ways of perceiving himself and the world around him, differences between facts and their interpretation, inconsistencies between thoughts, feelings and actions;
  4. Helps the clients to discover new thoughts, beliefs, feelings, emotions, moods, etc. that enhance their ability to take actions and achieve what matters to them;
  5. Shows the clients broader promises and inspires them to change their viewpoint and find new opportunities for action;
  6. Helps the clients to see the different, interrelated factors influencing them and their behavior (e.g., thoughts, emotions, body, background, environment);
  7. Shares insights with the clients in a way that is useful and makes sense to the client;
  8. Identifies the strongest points and key areas of learning and growth, as well as the most important points to pay attention to during coaching;
  9. Asks the client to distinguish between ordinary and significant issues, situational and repetitive behavior, when founds discrepancy between the declared and actions.

Skill No 9.

Actions designing — Ability to create together with the client the opportunity for continuous training during coaching and in life/work, and to take new actions that will most effectively lead to the agreed coaching results.

  1. Organizes brainstorming sessions and helps the client to identify the activities that will allow him to demonstrate, practice and deepen new knowledge;
  2. Helps the client to focus and systematically study the specific challenges and opportunities that are most relevant to achieving the agreed coaching objectives;
  3. Involves the client in exploring alternative ideas and solutions, evaluating options and making appropriate decisions;
  4. Supports active experimentation and self-discovery, where the client immediately tries what was discussed and studied during the session, in his work and life;
  5. Marks the client’s successes and skills, contributing to their further growth;
  6. Challenges the client’s assumptions and viewpoints, provoking new ideas and finding new opportunities for action;
  7. Supports or sets forth points of view consistent with the client’s objectives, and without sympathy for any of them, convinces the client to consider them;
  8. Helps the client to “Do It Right Now” during the coaching session, providing immediate support;
  9. Keeps working tension, “stretching”, encourages setting of complex tasks, but at the same time keeps a comfortable pace of training.

Skill No 10.

Planning and objectives setting — Ability to develop an effective coaching plan with the client and stick to it.

  1. Summarizes the collected information and defines with the client a coaching plan and development objectives addressing the issues and key areas for study and development;
  2. Forms a plan that assumes obtaining of achievable, measurable, specific results and contains a time frame for their achieving;
  3. Makes changes to the plan as required by the coaching process and as the situation changes;
  4. Helps the client to find and access other training resources (e.g., books, other professionals);
  5. Defines and outlines the first significant for the client successes.

Skill No 11.

Progress and responsibility management — Ability to keep focus on what is important to the client and leave the responsibility to take actions to the client.

  1. Clearly asks the client for the actions that will move him forward towards the set objectives;
  2. Monitors the events asking the client about the actions the client has committed to in previous sessions;
  3. Finds out what the client has managed to do, what has not been done, what he has learned, realized since the previous session or sessions;
  4. Effectively prepares, organizes and reviews, together with the client, the information obtained during the sessions;
  5. Keeps the client on track between sessions by focusing on the coaching plan and intended outcomes, agreed action plan, and topics for the next session(s);
  6. Focuses on the coaching plan but remains open to behavior and actions adjustments based on the coaching process itself and changes in direction during sessions;
  7. Able to switch between the scaled picture of where the client is headed, creating context for the topic being discussed, and the place where the client wants to go;
  8. Activates the client’s self-discipline and makes the client responsible for what he says he is going to do, for the results of the planned actions, and a specific plan with a specific time frame;
  9. Develops the client’s skill to make decisions, deal with key issues and develop (receive feedback, set priorities and pace of training, reflect and learn by experience);
  10. Positively challenges the client by pointing out when the client did not take the agreed actions.