APC Certification program for professional coaches training:


Association of Professional Coaches has developed a program for professional coaches training based on global standards for high-class specialists’ preparation in the field of coaching.

About the program:

“System Coach APC” – a certification classical program for professional coaches training including two levels of certification “Associated Coach APC” and “Professional Coach APC”.

Training is carried out in accordance with international standards, APC standards and concludes with issue of an international certificate “Professional Coach APC”. The “System Coach APC” program is one of the best coaches’ training programs in the Russian language. The program includes training in systematic, individual, classic, teambuilding, business, and transformational (deep) coaching of the highest level.

Peculiarities of the program:

The “System Coach APC” program is comprehensive. Comprehensive means using an integral approach to a person, business, another field of life and his/her environment, viewed as a unified system. A systematic approach to coaching guarantees sustainability/balance and dynamics of client changes due to the fact that the coach takes into account all the important elements in order to achieve the purpose of the client.

The coach who has passed this program has a holistic and comprehensive vision of the client’s situation in the field indicated by the client, taking into account his personality, needs, resources, environment, health, financial situation, family circumstances, etc. Thus, a System coach helps a client to reach his/her goal faster and easier.

In training, we use a system of Logical levels (R. Dilts): we go from details to the whole, starting from the level of “Environment” and ending at the level of “Spirituality”. Also, we apply a classic coaching tool – “NONdirective approach”- in the learning process, which allows us to gain greater awareness and unlock the client’s potential throughout the training and after it.

The program teaches the System individual coaching and Business coaching methods. Training is carried out on the basis of methods belonging to various approaches: Classical coaching methodology, a Systematic approach to solving problems, Systematic business planning, Group coaching methods and creating author trainings.

The program includes: individual coaching, assistance, supervision, coaching trainings (individual and working with a group), well-planned internship for participants and certification.

Benefits of “System Coach APC” program:

  1. 1. APC certified program – Association of Professional Coaches certification.
  2. The program is developed taking into account the international standards established for coaching ethics.
  3. Comprehensive and holistic approach to training.
  4. Issue of professional coach international certificates— “Professional Coach APC”.
  5. We get the specialists ready for providing professional coach services.
  6. 70% of the program is practice-oriented coaching, instead of training in various theoretical models of coaching.
  7. The program participants work at their personal targets for the next years in order to follow the practice-oriented approach.
  8. Due to the intensity and practical approach in training, a student becomes a high-class practical specialist in the field of coaching in just 6 months.

“System Coach APC” program is a continuous and intense training for the period of 6 months.

Professional training in coaching is a unique chance to have a popular and interesting profession in the field of psychological and business counseling!

Purposes of the course:

  1. Get you to know the coaching from “А” to “Z”
  2. Training in the newest methods of System and Classical coaching
  3. Bring your mentality to the new level of life and business
  4. Teach efficient planning methods to you
  5. Giving start to a powerful personal growth due to your individual self-improvement as part of the course training
  6. Ensuring that you get a new profession and become a practicing coach.

The program is useful for:

  • Individuals who want to study coaching from the very beginning.
  • Beginners who want to get a comprehensive training in coaching.
  • Practicing coaches who want to extend their range of knowledge and practice in coaching.
  • Corporate and private coaches for professional knowledge extension, skills improvement, and market presence increase.
  • Managers who want to improve the quality of communication with subordinates and plan introducing coaching into the company management style.
  • HR Managers engaged in training and development of personnel.
  • Psychologists, teachers, lawyers, sellers, sport coaches, i.e. for all the professions envisaging active communication with people.
  • Families and, especially, the families bringing up children.

System Coach APC academic program.

Program unit 1. Coaching system models. Coaching as a system.

  • Definition of coaching.
  • Types of individual coaching: classical coaching, coaching training event, transformational coaching.
  • Types of team coaching: classical coaching, coaching training event, teambuilding.
  • Ethical standards for a coach.
  • Basic background knowledge for coaching.
  • Peculiarities of coaching interaction: rapport, clarification, a responsibility, support-frustration balance.
  • Mistakes frequently committed by coaches.
  • Main coach competences: collection of non-verbal information, modeling of situations relevant for the client; coaching speech tools: 5 types of questions, feedback, challenges, support, statements, and ideas.
  • Questions for coaching interaction: model questions, questions-doubts, questions-specifications, transforming questions, questions-resolutions.
  • Feedback: “Hamburger” model.
  • Types of DISC clients and peculiarities of interaction with each type.
  • Coaching macromodels and their peculiarities (GROW, GoMAD, SCORE)
  • Micromodels of the first step “Goals”: SMART.
  • Micromodels of the second step «Reality»: Questions of coaching interaction using the example of Neurological levels (R. Dilts); 4-position description of the reality; SWOT-analysis.
  • Micromodels of the third step “Opportunities”: 3 ways to search new opportunities; creative process steps; 3 approaches to opportunities classification; frame “What if?”.
  • Micromodels of the fourth step “Ways”: Creation of a realistic plan for a goal achievement;

Motivation based on Riss values scale; 4 motivation strategies; motivation scaling.

  • Integration of the GROW model.
  • Forms of coaching interaction: standard, telephone, Skype-coaching, corridor coaching, and management in the coaching style.

Program unit 2. Practice and supervision of individual coaching..

  • Supervision of classic individual coaching.
  • Strategic coaching session.
  • Coaching training session.
  • Coaching-assisted work with dependences and habits.
  • Coaching session the “Wheel of life” (M. Atkinson).

Program unit 3. Group coaching and Teambuilding.

  • Types of team coaching: classical team coaching, group coaching training, teambuilding coaching.
  • Coaching training session: features of coaching training session and its differences from classical training; 3-stage model of coaching training session; “Cubic” model of coaching training session; 5 stages of the “cube”; links between the training parts; the flexibility and purposefulness of a coaching training session.
  • Using Mind Map to create a coaching training session.
  • Skills for contacts establishing with a group.
  • Image of a team coach. 3 types of gestures. Voice training.
  • Self-presentation of a coach.
  • Rhetorical techniques in team coaching: the structure of questions in team coaching; marking and signaling.
  • 6 styles of an effective coach: distribution of styles in the cubic structure.
  • Non-verbal and verbal techniques for audience control: psychogeography and ways to avoid discussions.
  • Group dynamics, stages.
  • Methods of control for the first and second phases of group dynamics.
  • 2 approaches in teambuilding.
  • Creativity techniques in team coaching: brainstorming; brainwriting; metaplane; progressive brainstorming and W. Disney model; self-contradictory brainstorming and the “Headache Tree”; “Ship Council.”
  • Moderation methods: 6-3-5, individual brainstorming.
  • MS methods using free associations: focal objects method.

Program unit 4. Practice of system coaching and group coaching supervision.

  • Supervision of coaching training and classical coaching.
  • System processes in coaching. Self-contradictory coaching methods.
  • System analysis.
  • Model of SOAR system coaching.
  • Coaching in conflict resolution. Coaching mediation in conflict resolution.

Program unit 5. Business coaching.

  • Executive coaching.
  • Strategic business planning; “Balanced Score Card” Model.
  • Coaching for the company marketing campaigns: 4P model – marketing mix.
  • Conducting audits in different business departments for increased efficiency.
  • Model of the organization change: Kotter’s model.
  • On-the-job coaching: model QUEST T. Golvi.
  • Holding meetings and conferences.

Program unit 6. Transformational coaching at the level of values and believes.

  • Introduction to transformational coaching.
  • Indications for the use of transformation coaching.
  • Triad of transformational coaching. Transformational condition.
  • Work on the time line.
  • Work with beliefs and values.
  • Spiral dynamics.

Program unit 7. Transformational coaching at the individual level. 

  • Transformation approaches based on work with personality “parts”.
  • Entity transformation.
  • Forecasting thinking and behavior patterns LAB PROFILE
  • Personal transformation based on the Lab-Profile concept.

Program unit 8. Marketing in coaching. Integration. Certification..

  • Coach as a businessman. Marketing methods for coaching services. Specialization. Marketing minimum for a coach. Promotion of coaching services.
  • Strategic planning of professional activities.
  • Certification.

See the nearest training APC program for professional coaches on Home page of our web site in the section “Current events”.