Corporate coaching
Corporate coaching envisages work with a company on its organization improvement.
John Whitmore is a world-famous consultant. He is studying highly efficient teams, conducts seminars and coaching for managerial teams of large-scale international companies. It was Whitmore who introduced the concept of coaching and coaching culture into corporations management. He wrote the book “Coaching for Performance”. The book explains in detail how the coaching culture fits seamlessly into any organization.
Corporate/business coaching is especially relevant for small and medium-sized businesses (but not only), where rather often one person controls and manages the whole business. That is why the coach is supposed to pay attention to the analysis of the manager’s decisions, as well as the connection of the decisions and personal life, which very often affects the destiny of the entire business. Businessmen tend not to separate work from relax, friends from colleagues, since their business and the obtained results directly affect their life and the life of their loved ones.
When and why one may need corporate coaching:
- Creating a corporate culture
- Teambuilding to introduce changes in the company
- Teambuilding allowing to make a well-coordinated team out of separate people for achievement of great results
- Managers develop, create, or define a clear vision of corporate goals and all the ways to achieve them
- Creating a clear action plan for managers
- Ensuring effective implementation control
- Help the manager to implement a new project
- Development of creativity and innovation.
Therefore, coaching in a company may bring benefits to:
- Manager/owner (life coaching and company-related planning)
- Top managers (life coaching, inter-corporate relations and company-related planning)
- Middle-ranking managers (life coaching, inter-corporate relations and company-related planning)
- Personnel (work efficiency increasing)
Benefits of the companies applying business coaching:
1. Efficiency increase:
Coaching helps to identify the best qualities of people and teams, which does not happen with traditional briefing.
2. Faster training:
Coaching accelerates and improves training, enables on-the-job employees’ development without wasting time.
3. Improvement of relations:
Coaching envisages a dialogue and interest in the answers of the interlocutor, showing appreciation and respect towards the person.
4. Owner’s time saving:
Coaching makes employees more independent and resourceful, which leaves more free time to the manager.
5. More creative ideas:.
Coaching and the atmosphere created by coaching contribute to the growth of the creative potential of all team members: no one is afraid to be ridiculous or be punished.
6. Optimum use of personnel, skills, and resources:
Great flexibility and adaptability to changes.
7. Increased motivation of personnel:
Coaching helps everyone to discover a personal motivation.
Third-party coaches working in a company create “coaching culture” of management, which implies all the above described plus the company autonomy and self-training. All this happens when almost every employee is “infected” with coaching and conducts coaching for another employee in order to achieve corporate goals.